LIVE Streams!

All streams will populate when they are live ONLY!

Nameless Family and personal friend streams will show up here. Highest viewer count first.

VALHEIM community server is LIVE!


Create your own base.
You can have a base with someone else.
Creating a town for us all is possible. Everyone chips in.
If you want to remain solo, you are welcome to do so.
No raiding other players bases.
No griefing.
If you want to PVP with someone,
I’ll build an Arena where you can hash out your issues.

We will use in game currency(Gold) for trading if you want to sell wares. We will also have a few free boxes for those that have extra mats or gear and want to give those away. Strictly up to you. Parties will agree on prices for sold goods

GLHF! For the AllFather ODIN!

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